>Installed ubuntu 11.10
>Installed python 3.2
>Installed Django 1.4
>Read the documentation of Django properly
>Continued with the beginer's documentation
>started feeling comfortable with the terminnal.
>Django documentation continues
>Started with the first application i.e. The Polling Application.
>Followed the 4 part tutorial for the first application
>Was unable to connect python to mysql.
>The problem of connectivity was solved
>Did coding and completed with the first part of the 4part tutorial
>started with the Admin view of the polling application
>Admin view created and made modifications to it.
>Admins view created
>Became a member of the GD(Great Developers) group.
>problem during changing the template of Admin's view
>searched for the preoblem on internet
>The problem continued about the Template
>Gave a presentation of what i did in the past full week.
>Explained how I created the admin's view.
>Explained my problem
>Listened to the presentations/problems of other GD members
>Started the application again from the begining.
>Again stuck at the same part of poll application
>Searched internet and other sources for the sollution
>Found the sollution to the problem, learnt a lot during the struggle to get the sollution
>Atlast made changes to the Admin's view template
>stuck at some point of the tutorial
>Finally created the User's view.
>Almost finished the Polling Application.
>learnt about the TCC Automation software.
>Finished with first application of my 6 months training,fisnished Polling Application.
>started with the reading of the TCC Automation Software documentation.
>started with it's installation.
>Completed with the installation of TCC Automation Software
>learnt how to use it.
>discussed its features with other GD members
>Listened to the presentation on ERP systems
>was assigned to sell my ERP system i.e. Apache Ofbiz with two other ERP systems i.e. weberp and OpenBravo
>Started with the installating of Apache Ofbiz
>faced problem during the second step of installation
>searched the internet and different blogs
>installed Gimp, watched various videos to learn how to use it
>The installation of Apache ofbiz halted because of some problem in the wrong version of Java
>spent the full day looking for the problem in the installation
>tried few new things on gimp
>Worked with the team, working on creating certificates using LaTeX.
>Learnt few new things about gimp.
> placed my problem of Apache ofbiz installatino on the Developer mailing list of Apache ofbiz,but no reply till the end of day
>Discussed my problem with other GD members
>Using some help, could install Apache Ofbiz on my system.
>The problem hindering the installation of the software was the permission issue, which was removed using the following command:
>>sudo chown -R demon:demon *.jar
this command changed permissions for all the .jar files to be accessed by the user(demon) which was earlier assigned to root.
>was assigned the task to create a presentation consisting of videos showing programmers and programming.
>learnt commands to cut/trim videos.
>Started with the requirements of the TCC automation software, that needs to be added to the Apache Ofbiz.
>worked with the movie editing softwares like-pitvi editor.
>Read the documentation for the developer, of apache ofbiz.
>continued working with the gimp editor.
>The day started with the GD members discussing their problems and about their projects
>changed the logo of the ERP system.
>Tried to modify Apache ofbiz, faced following problems:
>>all changes to be made at the back-end, difficult for the normal user
>>Apache ofbiz, looks more suitable for powerful online shopping carts.
>>had comparison and catalogue features like shopping carts.
>searched the mailing list for the solution.
>started with downloading tutorials of LaTeX.
>Finally talked about the problems with Rai sir.
>had an interactive session by my senior and an Ex-GD member- Inderjit Singh on LaTeX.
>showed the presentation consisting of movie clips, which was to be done on 25th may, was 4 days late.
>Assigned task to install weberp and make it work like the current TCC Automation Software.
>dropped the Apache ofbiz project
>successfully installed weberp
>making changes to the ERP and making it useful and replace the TCC automation software.
>Learnt few new commands for terminal,cowsay,espeak,starwars in terminal.
>WebErp study in process.
>finding new problems is weberp
>discussions with other members regarding weberp.
>made few changes to the weberp.
>Studying Weberp database, adding and deleting unnecessary data and fields.
>problems in few files.
>working on creating er-diagram.
>Discussion with SIR regarding problems faced by the team while making changes to the weberp.
>mailed the weberp mailing list , to get some answers.
>preparing for LUG meeting tomorrow.
>assigned duties and discussed the schedule.
>LUG meeting day.
>presentations by each and every GD member.
>Motivational and inspiring speech by SIR.
>loved the Examples.
>Added Labs and fields corresponding to labs
>Dealing with the problem to add staff members.
>Reading the code, trying to understand the software.
>Understood the customers.php(the customer registration module)
>Made changes in it, and tried to modify it according to our need.
>Tried to understand the backend files
>Understood the connectivity of the database.
>Gave preseentation on weberp, its features, changes made and what we are planning to do with it.
>Again spent time on customers module.
>The long awaited problem of Horizontal sine graph, finally solved by Rai sir.
>Working on localhost(weberp)
>Made many changes, created so many errors in the customers module.
>Tried again and again, to solve them.
>As the day ended, most of the customers module was ready.
>We could add customers in the weberp, without much of errors.
>The customers registration module changed according to our need.
>The new weberp installed on Experimental.
>Started making changes on the weberp.
>Easily changed the customers registration module accordint to our need on the experimental server.
>A meeting with the project members to find out the problems they were facing.
>I talked about my problem of customers registration module.
>The teammates, did their best to get me to solution.
>Now, we could add new sales person in it.
>The customers module facing changes, changed a lot to my needs.
>The problem of salesperson, finally brought to an end
>The database and the .php files were read.
>helpde sandeep make database design and finally remove the tables that we dont require.
>working with new database, dropped the previous demo database, that came along with the WebErp.
>meeting with H.S. Rai, regarding the progress of the project, Sir happy with it.
>learnt new commnds and made new shell scripts.
>GD planning a trip to Rajgarh, discussions were made about the places to visit and plans were made.
>Made a script to play shuffled songs in terminal using mplayer, which further used a script that would mount the drive which contains the songs, all done with single command, and removed banshee from my system ;-)
>Made successful progress with the Weberp, new changes made, reports easily generated , only formatting needs to b done.
>Installed Ubuntu on 3 systems, :-), spreading open source.
>The customers module had some problem, the foreign key creating error.
>The problem solved after much of time investment.
>Progress shown to the GD members, positive response from them.
>The stock module was changed according to the TCC needs.
>Getting used to, on working Weberp, now feels very comfortable working on it, reading the coding done in php, and finding the Javascript used at the backend
>Many validations were read and changed according to need.
>The concept of double validation came to knowledge.
22-23-24JUNE2012- IN ROPAR
>Installed ubuntu one system there, isnpired a young budding Computer engineer to work on open source.
>Tip-Carry ubuntu installation disk everywhere, you never know where you may find a depressed WINDOWS user.:-)
>Weberp working smooth, trying to figure how to assign different rights to differrnt individuals.
>Solution found using an inbuilt feature, differnt permissions to differnet individuals.
>Did the detailed study of the different tables in the weberp.
>for the first time used ssh to send 1.4GB file accross a system on network, though slow, but a very nice alternative to PENDRIVE.
>searched new terminal commands.
>Made changes to the system, used GNOME shell, makes it differnt to use and interesting.
>Helped Komal with the problem to fix error in her internet dongle
>Downloaded and installed Wordpress, liked it
>Helping Navdeep in her IGS project.
>Trying to use Wordpress, making changes and adding widgets and plugins, fun and powerful using it.
>Got a very nice lecture from Harman on wordpress, about plugin creating.
>trying to make my own website in wordpress.
>weberp on hold for sometime.
>Successfully made changes on the localhost/wordpress.
>Learnt two very very important lessons:
>>Always take BACKUP.
>>Never copy-paste from a email, use attatchment instead.
>almost created trouble, but thanxx to Navdeep, we could solve the preblem.
>working on the wordpress project.
>made some changes, changed the CSS files.
>learnt its not simple to copy wordpress from localhost to server
>learning a new commad each day.
>finally removed banshee and rhythmbox, love playing music on terminal.
Made a script to play a playlist and play songs in shuffle.:-)
>meeting with HS Rai, and discussed the benefits of using weberp to replace current TCC Automation Software.
>The outcome of the meeting was, that a new software should be made keeping in mind the learnings from weberp, in django.
>We started a new application in Django.
>Resesearched internet for existing projects made in django
>Table structure was discussed among the team members.
>There was need to create a new relation among tables.
>Table structure was analysed and changes were discussed.
>Made some tables and their relation with others was created, discussed with Harman, soughted his help.
>I made some tables, thought of the changes.
>The whole day was consumed by the TABLES.
>Again worked on igsLudhiana.
>Worked on some previous work, left behind because of work.
>programming in the awesome first monsoon shower is unexplainable.:D
>worked some time on soughting the problems of ssh, learnt new things, like keygen feature.
>celebrated birthday in TCC, was fun.
>The tables finalised for new django tcc automation project showed some loopholes, finally all loopholes removed.
>Started with making tables, some further changes to be applied soon.
>Got to know about MySQL Work Bench from Sandeep, a great way to present tables in a database and to show the relation among them.
>Finally had discussion with HS Rai, about the tables made so far, had discussion about the permissions to different users, staff and admin.
>So finally, the idea of using different view for all was thought upon, everybody to get a differnt view and permissions.
>Feeling a little out of touch to django, needing help at every point.:(
>so started with the django application that took me 4-5 days during the first few days of my training here.
>To my surprise it took me half a day :D happy.
>Saw Sandeep work on php, worked on php learnt new things.
>A day of great learnings.
>Worked in the Admission cell, under Harbhag sir and Jagdeep sir.
>Worked on the admission form made by sirs, learnt the differnt validations and checks applied on the admission form.
>found some errors about data entry and the validations on it.
>Working on django, got back all lost experience.
>installed registration module, made changes and got it running.
>working on the differnt view for the users, in order to give them permissions.
>Met IT HOD-Akshay sir, he asked me to make a admissions form in html, which was to be used in direct admissions, in few days.
>Got data from Harbhag sir, started making the form in HTML, from begining.
>Had a little confusion regarding the use of the form without input fields.
>Contacted Harbhag sir, for the same, he needed the form for printing purposes.
>Stopped making the html form from scratch, just converted the recieved .odt file into .html from save as option
>Got the form in html format, but the data was improperly aligned, needed lot many changes.
>worked for about an hour and made the form acceptable
>the link for the form is
>Had a lot of work to do, spend most of the time, there.
>The views were discussed and every permission to the different user was taken care of
>Got errors and errors on the way, but we managed to learn something from them.
>Errors increased, problem in registration module, sending mail problem.
>Working to put it working.
>Trying to get as many help from other team members.
>database fetching data, but loses connection.
>Still seraching for the solution.
>Told my friend about working on Django, he didnt like working on a framework, spent time making him understand the power of Django
>He asked me to make an application on django faster than he could in php.
>I managed to make a simple blog application, with admin interface, a user interface-showing last 2 posts and date of creation, much faster than he could and store everything in database.
>It was a pure victory, he was impressed by django. :-)
>Back on working on Automation software, sending mail still a problem.
>problem of differnt view was reduced, but still working.
>Finally by night Sandeep managed to get different views for different users.:)
>working with the users module, all working well.
>made some changes in the modules, every different user gets differnt view now.
>there are three users 1 the admin 2 the staff and last but not the least 3 the user.
>the work is getting its grip.:-)
>changes in the different modules, the users defined different permissions.
>the html pages(views) were made of the different users.
>added the values to the database, to check the working.
>the values were not fetched from the database, serious problem worked on it
>discussed the problem of values not being fetched with the rest of the present GD members.
>took some time but the problem was sought out, finally.
>took off home early.
>the day started with my localhost not working.
>spent 2 hours to get to know what the problem was, and all I had to do was to restart the apache with a simple command.
>Now what I am going to do is restart apache everyday or make some script out of it to restart apache everytime I log into my account.
>worked under sandeep, learnt few things I found difficult to understand.
>started with some jobs to be taken care off in Training and Placement Cell, had some meeting with the rest of members and juniors
>The different views were created and tested ok.
>place table,and few of the items were added to the database to check the working, works well.
>listened to some of the presentations being delivered
>Had learnt, my desire to make scripts and run them, and make computer work usiang just two statements was fun.
>started making a script to run music player on the terminal, actually been working on the script for a while now, think its been 1 full month now.
>looking for changes that can be made to make it better
>script plays well when the drive containing the music directory(12GB) was not manually mounted, if the drive wasnt mounted mannually, the script would mount it then fetch a playlist in the director and play songs in shuffle mode. :-)
>50% success was achieved, happy
> dedicated the full day to scripts, read articles and books to learn more.
>Continued with the shell scripting, started with new ideas(hope to do in future)
>the music script running well in shuffle, but had limitiation and that was pinching me every moment.
>studied and researched and finally found something of my interest.
>learnt how to know whether the drive is mounted or not.
>this came as a present from heaven, I fixed my script, it works well. happy:-)
>worked on the django project again,helped satinder learn some basics, he had problem with.
>helped jasleen with her sine wave, seems near completion
>the idea is still unclear how the user is going to search for the desired test for the material, he may get the same material tested for different tests and even get multiple test subjects.
>had discussion with HSRai, got many options to look for
>mailed my terminal player script on GD, happy to see the response.:-)
>A very fine weather, a fine start.
>gave presentation on my Mplayer script, hoped everyone present liked.
>got new points from Rai Sir, how to improve the script.
>Showed the difference in photoshop and gimp, I think gimp needs improvement, would love to make scripts for gimp.
>party by satinder and jaspreet, at basant,dugri.
>got stuck in unavoidable work, had to take a day off
>Had a meeting with Rai Sir about the were abouts of the project.
>learnt what was done the previous day.
>started working on the tags, installed taggit(django module for tagging)
>faced much problem while installing taggit and adjusting it to our needs
>tested tagging(another tagging module)
>Tagging feature had some problems in the tagging feature, understood how to use tags in a appropriate way, which is understood to the normal user while filling the tests for particular material
>tagging seems to be solved, just a new view is to be created.
>created a new view for tag.
>completed with the tagging module, added elements in the admin interface.
>started working on catalog application in the automation application.
>helped jasleen again in her sine wave project.
>learnt about the catalog, its use and features.
>worked on the catalog application, installed the django-catalog module.
>made changes in the rest of the files.
>one part of catalog module working fine, facing problem in the urls.
>got the only documentation of django-catalog available on the internet(and that too in russian).
>translated the documentation in english and posted on my blog check for reference
>the catalog application works fine.
>still a lot changes to make, to make it suitable for our need.
>added the changes to experimental.
>helped jasleen in her work
>there is confusion between catalog working.
>again trying to implement dynamic dropdown list.
>helping sandeep, using javascript and ajax to filter the first dropdown.
>took help from vigas.
>Instead of using the django-catalog, a catalog module was created in django and put to use.
>tagging module is working fine now, changes were made.
>CSS file under work by sukhdeep, helped her find templates to work and refer to.
>meeting was held among the team members, to discuss the plans for the software
>tags working well,
>still working on the catalog module, problems arising.
>took help from sandeep, catalog module needs to be replaced.
>django cart module is thought of as a new module to be added
>cart , helps the customer decide whether to add more or to done adding the product, and adds them under one customer, this module is very muchh required in this project.
>started working on GIMP scripting using scriptfu, downloaded many videos showing gimp scripting. Loved it:D
>listened to Jaspreet's presentation on Latex, on diary.
>It was a nice motivational lecture by Davinder Kumar, an Ex GD member.
>he told us about the company he's working in, the programmer enviornment they have is just like GD
>A company is founded by Vigas, very happy.
>Learnt the problem of multiple selection of dropdown , faced by sandeep
>searched for the solution throughout the internet.
>added few data to the database
>helped komal in her css work
>started working on a small php project, my friend wanted a software to use for his personal works.
>I made it, and installed it in his computer's localhost/
>the problem of the dropdown list still is pending
The Independence Day.!!!
>the hardest day of my training to convince my mother that it wasn't a holiday, and I had to go to training today.
>finally she agreed with some doubt. LOL
>reached late for the training
>started working on the css again.
>finally css is comnplete with changes done to it.
>css approved by all the members of the team.:-D
>had to show the current project to jagdeep sir.
>Sir pointed out many faults and gave tips to improve it.
>css file started giving some issues.:O
>held a group meeting, discussed what is to be done, what has been done and discussed about the tips and errors said the last day.
>the dynamic dropdown was the main issue .
>the Css file is ready and attatched to automation projects on everybody's systems and on the experimental
>had to make changes to fit it to experimental. working well with only minor issues.
>this is the day i did very less work on TCC, stuck in other important tasks.
>I read old emails on GD, talked to other GD members if they had any problem that I may solve.
>I took a day off, had some important task to do.
>going through the busiest week of the year, lot of work to do but hardly any time to perfrom
>listened to navdeep's problem, proposed some options she could use, hope they work
>plans for the project were made, like what is to be done in future.
>the issue of job_id was startled.
>then changes were made not to change the job_id and use it as the billno and recipt no.
>it was a great weather outside, was raining.:-)
>sandy, continued her problem, looked frustrated.
>she posted an te email again on the django mailing list seeking the answer, hope she gets the solution
>I had problem with understanding some part of the django project sandy made, spent time understanding it.
>Inderpreet, a new member of the GD gave an awesome presentation on Witty, which everybody considered fearsome.
>loved everypart of presentation.
>Inder's presentation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl-Nk7543nU
>had an enjoyable nightout at hostel, woke up quite early, was present in TCC before 9 :) earliest in last few weeks.
>there was some problem in calculation part in the automation project we have been working on.
>spent time on the files of the current working automation project, learnt how it calculates the taxes and amounts.
>without much change the same module is to be used in our automtion project.
>It was a placement drive by the Shapoorji Pallunji, had to conduct the placement drive after a long long time.
>Couldn't invest much time in training, since the drive was in the consultancy hall.
>The total of 7 students were placed in the company, very happy, these are the first ones to get a job.:-D
>It was the day of LUG WORKSHOP by Jaspreet.
>the workshop was very much interesting for us as well as for the new students, they asked questions and their doubts.
>healthy discussions were made, on various topics ranging from the difference in the security of Linux, Mac and Windows., and many other topics.
>The event was a huge success.
>It was sandeep's bday, wished her and asked for the treat. It was the first thing I did after entering TCC.
>She had completed making reports and bill, and were easily generated
>Had to show it to Rai sir, the current progress of the automation group.
>to our surprise the software stopped responding.
>It did not log in , once it was logged out.
>we celebrated sandeep's bday.:-)
>The current project was showed to Bagwant sir and Kiran madam, and their views were taken(not views.py :P)
>Both of them liked the progress.
>solved the networking issue, though the problem was with the switch :P now the network worked with internet off.
>Then we had a meeting with Jagdeep sir and Rai sir.
>They discussed the progress of project
>me very unhappy with my progress.:(
>Then we had a team meet of project members and distributed work amongst us.
>was assigned work to show all the previous work done by the logged in user.
>sad and feels unconfident.:-(
>Woke up early felt feverish and had severe headache.
>came to TCC the normal time, was ver much stressed of not being able to perform well in the django project.
>had very less progress.:-(
>sir asked to make a simple application, which i couldnt make.
>all day at training i was sick and sad, but was motivated and cheered by harman.
>I thanked him and slept (wasn't well) so I can wake up on time and start working again.
>kicked out of GD, along with many others.:-(
>asked to make a presentation in order to get inside GD.
>working on the module assigned to me, "previous work" module
>almost done with the module.
>One full day and no email in GD label.
>working in the module, hopefully gets completed today
>learnt latex, how to make a presentation in beamer.
>started compiling whatever I have done so far, and what else needs to be added in the presentation
>again had discussion with the team about the progress.
>Second day without any email from the GD group.
>had discussion about the next event in the LUG, some controversy in keeping the date for the event.
>made presentation in LibreImpress, need to make it in the LaTeX.
>"previous work" module complete and working well
>improved the sketch script and now working better.:D
>Presentation ready
>gave presentation in the evening, followed by sadeep and navdeep.
>Again back in GD. happy
>got so many points to improve in the automation software we have been working on, we need to beautify the code, remove flaws along side.
>had a group meeting, new jobs assigned.
>helping sukhdeep, in transpot module.
>suggested, use of a map to solve the distance and transport issue.
>listened to presentations by other NON-GD members
>discussion on how to create suspense report
>making the transport cost fixed and exact can remove the need of suspense report
>preparing presentation for MVC
>planning to go to Chitkara Fest on 7-8-9
>gave presentation on mvc, had some doubts, cleared them regarding the confusion of names with mvc naming and django naming
>took permission for the chitkara fest
>leaving for fest tomorrow.
>back from the Chitkara fest, got 1st position in sketching
>back working on the tcc automation software
>helped satinder with his generation of reports
>had a group meeting again
>suspense report and report generation are the main things left, rest are the small things
>sandeep working on applying the universal database model
>me and sandeep working on transport model.
>trying to add a google map to calculate the distance travelled
>sent an urgent meeting mail at the LUG group, to know about the active members of the group
>today Satinder gave his presentation to claim his membership in GD
>had an interactive session with Rai sir
>conducted a meeting for the LUG group, very few students turned up, assigned them duties, including preparation of charts and annoucements
>removing all the inactive members in the group.
>talked about adding map to sir.
>decided to remove inactive members of LUG
>hoping to conduct interviews on comming monday
>it is moms bday today so i bailed out early..:-) happy bday mom :-)
>attended a seminar on ipv4 and ipv6 by tnp cell
>held a meeting for the LUG, conducted it and assigned duties
>working on the google map, having some problems
>took interview for the LUG
>attended seminar about hacking by the tnp cell
>atteneded the seminar cont on hacking, some cool things learnt today..learnt ways to get into win7 without passwords
for some changing permissions was a cool thing, we change permissions all day in ubuntu,...;)
>again continued my work with the maps.
>issue with internet, going to take one more day in maintainence
>had a meeting with rai sir, sir not happy about progress(me not able to devote much time)
>tired of working on maps(number of methods, but mostle unclear)
>started working on google maps agian, but with Satinder this time, finally had some progress, map gets displayed on localhost, but large changes are required.
>forgot my charger in TCC, my internet was working but couldnt use my laptop...bad ending of day:-/
>It's BHARAT BAND today, trucks and buses are not working, but the training continues, and got my charger..:-)
>this google map application I am working on seems to be the solution to my problem. happy.:-)
>worked whole day, the map works well but isn't working the way I want.
>had help from Inder (ISHWAR), and the new application is very close to what I need.
>It's maps and maps everywhere, been working on maps for so long.
>the new Google API application seems to be the solution, it displays the start and end point and calculates the distance and shows the driveway to be followed. :D, just need to send that value to the database and 80% problem solved
>made certain changes, but tough time knowing whether value is sent ot database or not, showed the data in alert box, very slow refreshing rate of django.
>finally problem brought to an end.:-)
>Woke up very early, reached TCC at 8 in the morning.
>had a seminar to conduct, reached first, nobdy present , even the ones to open the date came 45 min late, I listened to songs in my phone, enjoyed the college's beauty. The guy to open Consultancy gates came and opened the gates, I went in waited and then started setting the projector and mic, then came Inder.
>It was a splendid seminar with the juniors, telling them about LINUX and Open Source, and they asking questions and clearing their doubts.
>so everyone in the audience got selected in LUG, but with the provisional enterence.
>the map is working good.
>needed refeshment in GD, and really got it that day.
>It's sunday, woke up late.
>was watching my system files, going through drives randomly.
>just checked my download folder, found so mess of different files, so made a script to clean up the mess , script at
>fond some erors, trying to remove them
>got good reviews from the GD members
>We had the map comleted.
>now I started working on report generation with Satinder.
>went through the whole process of report generation.
> it was karamvir's presentation on her C program followed by navdeep's presentation.
>had to leave early, so left at 5pm
>it was my presentation today, I wanted to give presentation on SHELL SCRIPTING, to prepared a presentation in LaTeX
>learnt about some of the uncommon but important commands like sed, tr and awk
>there was a big discussion on the difference of scripting language vs programming language.
Even replied on GD.
>there were so many flaws and errors in my script, that sir pointed out.
>didnt work much on Automation project
>back on working with reports.
>worked with jasleen and solved the printer problem on the network, and now it works
>it was jasleen's presentation today on QT, she told few things i never knew about QT and C++, I even liked the two programs she made, same concept as in an old subject I read-Windows Programming
>finally had a conversation with rest of the GD members regarding the concept of UDM(universal data models), but some doubts still in mind
>read about UDM today, even sandeep's presentation was on UDM(co-incidence)
>Sir wants the TCC automation project to have a UDM based database, so working on it
>It's Bhagat Singh's birthday today.
>very less attendence by other fellow GD members, so back on reading UDM concepts, learnt interesting things
>Got a very happy news today, finally the Seniors got their call letter from TCS, happy happy, couldnt concentrate because of it, left early to enjoy the good news with the other passouts.
>Its saturday, very less students on training
>couldnt attend sukhdeep and satinder's presentation so asked other GD member's reviews
>talked to Rai sir about UDM, had some doubts, cleared them and back on track
>so giving UDM a rest for a while and working on script to install TCC automation in a system
>had a aptitude test organised by TnP, It was a 4 hour test covering every possible aspect of the aptitude.
>I chose for the UNIX part unlike many who chose for c++, sql, java, etc
>hopefully the results are good.
>I started working on scripting, divided the main problem into smaller problems
>searched for the major problem in those small problems.
>I learnt how to create a database through shell script
>I even learnt how to import a .sql file to a database using shell
>learnt how to replace a string by a string in shell, using sed command, did research on sed.
>Gandhi jayanti, took a day off to complete some pending jobs and to attend a family function
>back from family function
>back on the scripting work, completed the small script to change text in a file, used sed command
>spent the rest day, working on how to improve the code and finally made some progress
>still looking for loopholes, but no reply from GD yet.
>finally got a reply on the mail by Rai sir, sir wants me to make the code less complex and simple looking for solution on the internet.
>I have finally started to love "sed" command, it is one awesome command to know
>started working on rest of the script, what to keep and what not to, is a very difficult thing to know, and now i am done with it
>It was mandy's bday, we cut her bday cake.
>we had a teacher to check our training, I think attendance was what he wanted to check, I am sure he'll be surprised to see attendance here.:-D
>Was to go to Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnical college today to introduce the freshers to Lunix and open source and the users to work and contribute to Open Source world, but had to leave for some work.
>I left training at around 3:30 today some 2 hours early. :-/ , and for what I left it didnt go as planned, instead went opposite.
>It is my sister's bday today.:-)
>learnt more about commands used in shell scripting.
>I divided all the problems in script in smaller parts( divide and rule policy)
>facing problem to download the directory from where, I have the Automation in github, but about other modules that come handy, need to be downloaded as well, so searching for the solution, meanwhile
>completed making changes to the various files in The Automation folder that is to be downloaded by the script.
>now have to run the script with the sudo power as the script has to make changes in a system file.
off to Darbar sahib, Amritsar.
>had a funny yet interesting experience there, JAB WE MET yaad aa gayi :P
>Now I am able to make changes in the three main files, i.e. the settings.py file, django_wgsi file and the system file httpd.conf file.
>needed to make a database and add changes to it.
>faced a problem, couldnt create a database of a name input by the user.
>searched and searched and searched, and found a single script by the USA LUG group.
>created different scripts for different works.
>each part working well.
>combined the different scripts as one. :-) , though the code doesnt look very nice but it is working.
>Not well, busy in different different jobs.
>I presented my script to the GD members, everybody liked the script, though flaws were also mentioned.
>I showed them different small scripts and gave them idea how it worked.
>the script to make changes in database was the one I explained more.
>wasn't well, left early at around 4:30-5
>got the result of my AMCAT test, the scores were good, but required improvement.
>I worked on the problems told by the GD members.
>I looked around everybody if anyone needed any help
>I beautified the script a little bit.
>the script worked amazingly well on sukhdeep's fresh new laptop., yay happy
>some changes were required though.
>I undid all the changes that were made to sukhdeeps laptop because of running the script
>I ran the script again.
>> now it checked whether django is installed or not --if installed it continued--else--exit
>>it installed the few things user forget to install after installing django(connecting mysql to python)
>>it downloaded the folder(havent put the folder on github, so copyed) and made changes
>>created the database and added demo/new database to it(all according to user requirement)
works well, but needs changes
>working on the enviornment variables to allow the user to have more freedom of keeping where ever he wants to keep
>studying and practising the environment variables
>main problem is using $PWD in sed command, facing problem in this part.
>searched and searched for the solution but all in vain
>It's PWD and PWD all the way, again wroking on it:
>>what I want is that the script runs this command $PWD and then a sed command replaces a variable to be replaced by the $PWD, but this is not happening. arrrgg
>very tired, found no solution.
>very confused and scared of TCS comming for college placement, and the aptitude test going to be a lot tougher than the previous years. Unable to concentrate
>the aptitude score of AMCAT cleared my doubt, need time to prepare for the TCS written test
>asked for a week leave from HS Rai sir and his blessing for the placement
>prepared for TCS, TnP duties.
>Placed in TCS...yaaaaaay..:D, dream come true...:)
>woke up late, severe headache and fever, doctor says 2-3 day bedrest.:O
>unable to work.
>woke up late again, small headache
>went to TCC, after 2-3 hours, fever strikes again
>doctor strictly says complete bed rest.
>working on my script few touches left to give to the script, finally getting ready to upload the script on the github.
>using github for the first time
>had problem uploading the files on the github, couldnt push anything, it gave warning of failing.
>help from harman finally helped me to learn to use github
>finally uploaded the version 1 on the github, along with the test automation software
>made some changes to the scrpt and then uploaded as the version 2 to the github
>downloaded the script and ran on harman's laptop and it with minor changes worked....it worked...:D:D
>only few changes were made by me manually to run the automation software rest everything was working...eureka...:D
>happy happy...
>just one issue...dont know how to fix the version in a users system,...how to manage if the user is using a different version of python....just this problem irritating me
>had a event to attend by the LUG--armchair mpping
>the workshop began with mandeep teaching the basics of CGI, was new for me
then we began with the arm chair mapping, everybody got excited, considering me..:)
>i marked Westend Mall, MBD neopolis and my school on the OSM, wonder why nobody marked westend mall and the newly opened MBD.
no internet..:(
>solved the internet problem at home, got the modem fixed. Friends in ECE do come in handy..;)
>started helping Stainder with his problem of creating reports, one of the main tasks of the TCC automation problem.
>Satinder has worked most of the need, but was stuck in some part of the problem, worked with him, sorted out the problem for him. The main problem was whether he should use form or formset, to meet our needs. So we decided to go with the classic forms to get the solution of the problem, this solved the problem to some extent.
>finding a proper javascript that sandeep requires, searched and searched but dont know how to search for it, actually dont know what to type to get it.
>again back to reports.
>Very awkward day for me:(
>H.S. Rai sir asked me to do a job for him, but I had to pass the job to Sandeep and Harman, as I was the only senior member available that day to coordinate the placement drive by a company, since I had promised before to coordinate drive a day before.
>the task was to get information and search the best money transaction service for the UKERI website, and paypal was selected to be the solution for it.
>very bad placement drive, wasted my day.
>Came to know that PTU refered to the very big brand name CII(has industrial tie ups in india and abroad with over 10,000 big and small companies), that they take the help of GNDEC-TnP team to coordinate their Expo to be held for four days-1,2,3 and 4 NOV. I was personally asked by Mann Sir to take over this task.
>Back to my TCC script, it is working well with almost every laptop I know. Just giving one problem. The part of the script installs some softwares but on some systems the script stops or skips the part while waiting for "0% waiting for headers". Looking for the problem, searched the internet but didn't get much satisfactory answer.
>finally on some laptops the script starts the automation without any error, very close to achive a perfect working script( in terms of functionality)
>had to leave at 4 to meet the CII- Ludhiana Fair , main coordinator and manager.
>Finally talked to sir about the CII exhibition, but me myself was feeling very shy asking for halfday from sir, as its been a week since I worked seriously.
>The "0% waiting for header" problem now getting serious, script didnt work on another system just because of it.
>Inder did help me from this problem but I dont kknow how to implement this on the script user's system from outside or from the script.
>he stated that It was due to unablility to update packages, which was lead by partial packages installed to the system.
>the problem was solved by removing the partial packages.
>whew....!! it worked.
>left sharp at 2pm for my duty shift(2-9pm)
>Sandeep planned, that we all give the full presentation of what ever we have done till now, of after the last presentation by the TCC team.
>updated the script to github.
>Satinder had some problem with the report saving, worked with him. It was as if he was helping me learn than I helping him out of the problem.
>still unable to help sandeep with her javascript, dont know what to type in to get the solution related to the need.
>very much tired of the work I've been doing in the past days, but still trying to make both ends meet here in training.
>left at around 1:30 for my turn to take over and coordinate the Fair.(tiresome job)
very bad health, woke up at 12 in the noon, very sleepy at that moment. Managed to get to college at around 2pm, It was convocation day, had to come to college to wish my seniors.
Took a day off to rest from the busy schedule(just wanted to stay away for a day)
duty at CII-ludhiana fair from 12 to 7 in the evening, legs feeling numb, but I wont take a day off again, training time in its last days.
Wish to complete the project on time.
Finally got time to update DD( sorry for the late updation)
worked with satinder on reports, having a little hard time working with the reports
unable to save the values of newly added row, worked the whole day on it, trying new and new approaches
finally got a somewhat answer to our problems, we could generate the input on a new page, so we can input the result in the database as well
leaving TCC with a happy note
came a little early than usual
started working on the shell programming, that's what i do when I get time or m free
then worked with sandeep with her problem, her system did not boot in, searched for it
then worked agian on shell programming, did feel like doing it the whole day
>not happy with my performance, working hard, learning new things to implement in the script.
>not well, body weak.
>helping satinder with reports, a small problem troubling.
>the html code with javascript is working well alone, but is not when used in Django. God..!!! took so many days to get a proper code for the software and now it's not working.:/
>still trying to make it work, making changes in html file and javascript file to get the output, no gain so far.
>hopefully this time it works.
>Vigas gave a presentation on DNS, a very nice and practical presentation. Understood many new things today.
>viral on peak, body pain, fever, mom wanted me not to go and take rest, I insisted on going, had to conduct placement and had small time to complete project.
>reached college at 8, and started arrangements for the company, average response by students to the company(no record, a new company working in opensource). They gave presentation with current market statistics of the user need, very helpful and somewhat true.
>back to TCC, was trying to work, then sir came and asked all the students to leave tcc except those who replied to sir's mail 3days back on training completion.
>mixed feelings now..:/ dont know what to say.
>some improvement in health
>apologized to Rai sir about the delay in replying to the mail, so back to work.:-)
>so many flaws in my script that sir pointed out, spellings, dead ends like what if the database name created exists before hand, then what.?
>working on checking that, hopefully m done with the issue, really need it badly.
>I even need to create a uninstall script, wow just like the softwares out there in the market.:)
>Its Rai sir's bday and placement drive tomorrow that I need to attend, the big clash.:O
wished sir and many other ppl, their bday
off to IET bhaddal with Viki mann
longest Bike drive I ever had...110 km in chilling wind...just wow..:D
skyfall it is:)
>finally made a script to check whether a database name entered is created on the system or not,:-)
>will soon connect it to the main script and then start working on the counter >script(uninstall script)
>it's SUNDAY. the supposedly rest day:), but diwali approaching, so no rest:/
12-13-14 NOV-day---
Happy Diwali, Happy Vishkarma Day and Happy Children's Day.
13 Nov2012- Diwali...
It's the day when Light(truth) wins over darkness(evil), It used to remind me of the famous OATH of Green Lanterns(fiction)
"In brightest day, in blackest night.....
No evil shall escape my sight......
Let those who worship evil's might.....
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light....!!!" just love it..
14Nov2012--Vishkarma Day and Children's Days
Vishwakarma, the divine engineer / architect, constructed Svarga (Heaven), Lanka, holy city of Dwarka, the Maya Sabha of the Pandavas; created many fabulous weapons for the gods. (via - H.S. Rai)
>Working with the script again.
>Added new and improved automation folder to the TCC-script(sandeep's repository)
>made changes corresponding to the new folder, alot to change now.
>Finally software functioning properly with less error(almost 0 error).
>making changes constantly with the script.
>added a database checking module to check whether the database exist before, if it exists then the script asks for a new name as the last enterd database exists and cannot be overwritten for now
>getting the script run on different systems and checking the problems different systems are facing.
>getting new problems, solving them is kind of fun.:)
>Script Script all the way.
>Took help from Harman, tested the script, checked logs for errors(so far none error) happy:)
>Sir emailed on GD about the script, errors that he came accorss.(many errors)
>I tried to reply each one, with best of my knowledge.
>got appreciation on some parts but found flaws in some parts of the script.
>going to improvise the script.
>Microsoft test tomorrow, big day for me.:)
>Just reached home from a 3 hour bus ride after giving the First round
of Microsoft placement test. Sadly couldn't clear the round. :(
>About the test, there were 15 questions out of these 15, 4 were
difficult maths questions(miscellaneous) which I was able to solve and
rest were pure C programs with multiple answers, which I felt
difficult and I think I answered most of them wrong.
>There was no negative marking, so we were free to answer all.
>I think this is the 3-4 big MNC which I have encountered so far, that
demands C. So in our curriculum shouldn't C be added just as we have
C++, java, .Net ?
>Working on automatic generation of login name, did a lot of seach, ended up finding couple of solutions, none suited for my requirements.
>In the end, one solution did gave me what I wanted, but there was this problem that I run the script with sudo power and with sudo the user becomes ROOT not the login user, so there was a big issue to it.
>searching again for the solution.
Its Deepinder Singh Kular's B'day(one of my best friends)
Had a long enjoyable day with everybody, though I had to wake up at 5 to reach his place to wish him(our 3 yr old traditions, to wish a friend on his bday, same thing will happen to me on my bday:))
>The script was last stuck on the point where the sudo converts the login user to ROOT, when I reached home and checked GD, sir had posted a solution for my problem.
>I cheecked for the sulution, ran it, it worked but I wouldnt work for me as I needed not only to print the Loginuser, but to input it into a variable and then use it for what I needed.
>I looked on the internet before replying, and hence got something that worked for me.
>The script checks the loginuser automatically and then displays it to the user.:)
>added the concept that If Automation folder exists before in the Home directory, then the script renames the previous folder with the name "Automation_old" and then clones the new folder "Automation".
>So far working well, got different people to test it and look for loopholes.
>very tired going to sleep.
>Script working fine.
>Learnt many new things about scripting, feeling contented and satisfied.
>I had to add some new part to the script, I learnt the logic and moulded into script without any problem and in just one attempt. :D
>Worked the full day on removing the problem of superuser.
>now when a demo.sql is imported, a new superuser is created, when a new database is created, no matte what the user wants ha has to create a super user, thus the problem of creating super user, removed completely.
>Added the concept to check whether the table is empty or not, if empty perform a particular operation.
>Many problems sorted, with small changes just need to follow the coding standards.
>sir asked to work on creating our software a ppa, thus downloading and installing with just "sudo apt-get install Autotamtion". Wow.:)
>teaching mathematics1. :)
>script started giving some problems, got feedback from Harman.
>made a list of to do things in the script:
>> adding mysql connection check.
>> the existing Automation folder name gets renamed to Automation(date)(time)
>> the script begins with checking whether django is installed or not similarly with mysql, if not installed, it installs
>> running browser in sudo mode(works for me and harman but not for some systems)
>made a small script that checks whether mysql and django are installed or not, it. If not installed, it installs it to the system and if installed then it continues its work, havent added to the main automation script, but will add soon.
>had a nice conversation with Rai sir, about django and the script, he suggested me some improvements.
>again taught M1(exam tomorrow)
>M1 exam today, wished my friend, very best of luck.
>back on scripting, started searching for way to rename the folder with the date name, so as to remove trouble.
>earlier a check was put(single time check). If there was another folder with the name Automation present in the home directory while the script was running, the script would rename the folder Automation_old, this was a one time check, If the script was run again, it would give an error that Automation_old is already present in the Home directory.
>solving this problem I created a script, that checks for any folder with the name Automation, if there exists any folder with this name then The script changed the name of the existing folder with folder name - Automation (date)(time), which would always be different.
>but when I ran the script I had a folder with name Automation and the previous folder with name Automation(date)(time). This worked well till 2 tries, but with the third attempt the folder names got changed to Automation(date)(time) and Automation(date)(time)(date)(time).
>spent some time with the script, added my own logics to the existing script and now script works well, no repitition/redundancy in date and time.:)
>Script checking the Previously existing folder, working just fine.
>Sandeep just presented the new look for the Automation software, one word for it -Classy
>helpling sandeep fix problems with the new css, making changes to different files and adding changes to it.
>back to script, started working on the next thing to be added to the script-mysql check, searched and worked on scripts. But most of them failed to give what I wanted.
>Majority scripts were for sqlite and postgresql, I changed scripts, modifed them to work for mysql as well, but failed.
>No gain from the searched made last day, thinking of creating my own logic for it.
>finally putting the Automation software in testing phase, installing it on the TCC server, using python 2.6 instead of python 2.7. had to make small changes to make it work there.
>there was some problem with the script, because of the latest updation in the script, so manually changes were made.
>Software now running good on the server, giving just one little trouble, it's not showing the background image on the systems connected to the server.
>left for some personal work at 3.
>back from an enjoyable weekend.
>started the left over job, checking the mysql connection in shell script, not much help from the internet.
>so I decided to create my own logic, it took quite a lot of time but in the end, I created my own logic, I myself made a script that would ask for an username and password input, it would check it, if the input is correct, it proceeds with successful as the output and if failes , it gave "connection failed" as the output.
>Finally Satinder was able to complete his first properly working report, he's now working on creating a function to make multiple reports.
>still some problem with the background image, not showing up on the connected systems.
>back on working with the TCC server, trying to fix some issues with it. After some long hardwork finally able to add image to the backgrounds. Working on all systems.:-)
>updated the script, working on fixing the errors.
>working with sandeep fix some problems of the tcc software
>off to Gurudwara, it's gurupurab tomorrow.:)
>took a day off, went to gurudwara, Happy Gurupurab to all.:-)
>started working on scripting, trying to learn new things.
>started with creating a webpage(html) using a shell script, so actually created a html page entirely from the shell script.(loved doing that)
>Added text boxes, radio buttons, submit buttons, leraning how to connect two html pages using shell scripting.
>trying to input html input into shell script and then run the shell script.
>searching for the solution, but fail. Looking for rishabh's work on slang translator.
>today I presented my script to the presented GD members, showed them, explained them the working of each and every command, showed them the errors I made and future scope of the script
>everybody liked the script, got good reviews and new ideas to improve it and make it foolproof
>removed a very big but silly mistake that I pushed to my repository, I was testing a part of script with constant values than the variables and it worked for me, without thinking much I pushed it to my account, while I was showing my script to everybody I saw it and edited it immediately.:p
>making further changes.:-)
>Feeling like an expert script writer, helped a few newbies(love calling them newbies) on a facebook scripting group.
>Learning and improving concepts, learning never ends, just keeps on going on.
>Discussed few points with Harman, about the Client or the user, how dumb should he be considered, the discussion went on and on. So in the end it was thought to ask Rai sir about it.
>Removed useless parts from the script and added few new things and better comments for the better understanding.
>working on the last improvision(running script anywhere not only Home), installing in any directory.
>Reached at 10 am, in the chilling morning, loved it.:D
>Very less attendence, only 5 of us present today and had a wonderful time today interacting with sir, talking and discussing.
>We discussed Harman's new task at GCI about creating an L at an elevation and an angle with some transparency, all of us actively participated in it, loved it
>Had a discussion on the teachings and how we analyse them, I read some things back in time and never thought of analysing them,:O
>script has along way to go, mad improvements, and hoping to add more by this week.
>Got new idea to solve the problem of installing/running the script anywhere in the system instead of Home folder only.
>I was able to save the value of enviornment variable in a variable(did it long back) but was trying to use that variable in sed command, failed failed and failed, but I think I did it, I used $PWD in sed command, sounds like it is possible.
>Installed the Automation software in Documents with manual changes, I hope with some changes I can do it.
>I installed Automation software in Music directory :-) and it is running, and the problem of sudo is soon to be removed, just one step behind, once this destination problem is solved next problem is running it as a normal user and not as a sudo user, working on it
>Works on my system, eagerly waiting to upload the changes to sandeep's account in github. :D
>made changes to the automation software on sandeep's github account
> made a flow chart of the script
>thought of new improvisions to it, added some changes to it and uploaded on the github
>hopefully going to complete the installation script soon
>Installed ubuntu 11.10
>Installed python 3.2
>Installed Django 1.4
>Read the documentation of Django properly
>Continued with the beginer's documentation
>started feeling comfortable with the terminnal.
>Django documentation continues
>Started with the first application i.e. The Polling Application.
>Followed the 4 part tutorial for the first application
>Was unable to connect python to mysql.
>The problem of connectivity was solved
>Did coding and completed with the first part of the 4part tutorial
>started with the Admin view of the polling application
>Admin view created and made modifications to it.
>Admins view created
>Became a member of the GD(Great Developers) group.
>problem during changing the template of Admin's view
>searched for the preoblem on internet
>The problem continued about the Template
>Gave a presentation of what i did in the past full week.
>Explained how I created the admin's view.
>Explained my problem
>Listened to the presentations/problems of other GD members
>Started the application again from the begining.
>Again stuck at the same part of poll application
>Searched internet and other sources for the sollution
>Found the sollution to the problem, learnt a lot during the struggle to get the sollution
>Atlast made changes to the Admin's view template
>stuck at some point of the tutorial
>Finally created the User's view.
>Almost finished the Polling Application.
>learnt about the TCC Automation software.
>Finished with first application of my 6 months training,fisnished Polling Application.
>started with the reading of the TCC Automation Software documentation.
>started with it's installation.
>Completed with the installation of TCC Automation Software
>learnt how to use it.
>discussed its features with other GD members
>Listened to the presentation on ERP systems
>was assigned to sell my ERP system i.e. Apache Ofbiz with two other ERP systems i.e. weberp and OpenBravo
>Started with the installating of Apache Ofbiz
>faced problem during the second step of installation
>searched the internet and different blogs
>installed Gimp, watched various videos to learn how to use it
>The installation of Apache ofbiz halted because of some problem in the wrong version of Java
>spent the full day looking for the problem in the installation
>tried few new things on gimp
>Worked with the team, working on creating certificates using LaTeX.
>Learnt few new things about gimp.
> placed my problem of Apache ofbiz installatino on the Developer mailing list of Apache ofbiz,but no reply till the end of day
>Discussed my problem with other GD members
>Using some help, could install Apache Ofbiz on my system.
>The problem hindering the installation of the software was the permission issue, which was removed using the following command:
>>sudo chown -R demon:demon *.jar
this command changed permissions for all the .jar files to be accessed by the user(demon) which was earlier assigned to root.
>was assigned the task to create a presentation consisting of videos showing programmers and programming.
>learnt commands to cut/trim videos.
>Started with the requirements of the TCC automation software, that needs to be added to the Apache Ofbiz.
>worked with the movie editing softwares like-pitvi editor.
>Read the documentation for the developer, of apache ofbiz.
>continued working with the gimp editor.
>The day started with the GD members discussing their problems and about their projects
>changed the logo of the ERP system.
>Tried to modify Apache ofbiz, faced following problems:
>>all changes to be made at the back-end, difficult for the normal user
>>Apache ofbiz, looks more suitable for powerful online shopping carts.
>>had comparison and catalogue features like shopping carts.
>searched the mailing list for the solution.
>started with downloading tutorials of LaTeX.
>Finally talked about the problems with Rai sir.
>had an interactive session by my senior and an Ex-GD member- Inderjit Singh on LaTeX.
>showed the presentation consisting of movie clips, which was to be done on 25th may, was 4 days late.
>Assigned task to install weberp and make it work like the current TCC Automation Software.
>dropped the Apache ofbiz project
>successfully installed weberp
>making changes to the ERP and making it useful and replace the TCC automation software.
>Learnt few new commands for terminal,cowsay,espeak,starwars in terminal.
>WebErp study in process.
>finding new problems is weberp
>discussions with other members regarding weberp.
>made few changes to the weberp.
>Studying Weberp database, adding and deleting unnecessary data and fields.
>problems in few files.
>working on creating er-diagram.
>Discussion with SIR regarding problems faced by the team while making changes to the weberp.
>mailed the weberp mailing list , to get some answers.
>preparing for LUG meeting tomorrow.
>assigned duties and discussed the schedule.
>LUG meeting day.
>presentations by each and every GD member.
>Motivational and inspiring speech by SIR.
>loved the Examples.
>Added Labs and fields corresponding to labs
>Dealing with the problem to add staff members.
>Reading the code, trying to understand the software.
>Understood the customers.php(the customer registration module)
>Made changes in it, and tried to modify it according to our need.
>Tried to understand the backend files
>Understood the connectivity of the database.
>Gave preseentation on weberp, its features, changes made and what we are planning to do with it.
>Again spent time on customers module.
>The long awaited problem of Horizontal sine graph, finally solved by Rai sir.
>Working on localhost(weberp)
>Made many changes, created so many errors in the customers module.
>Tried again and again, to solve them.
>As the day ended, most of the customers module was ready.
>We could add customers in the weberp, without much of errors.
>The customers registration module changed according to our need.
>The new weberp installed on Experimental.
>Started making changes on the weberp.
>Easily changed the customers registration module accordint to our need on the experimental server.
>A meeting with the project members to find out the problems they were facing.
>I talked about my problem of customers registration module.
>The teammates, did their best to get me to solution.
>Now, we could add new sales person in it.
>The customers module facing changes, changed a lot to my needs.
>The problem of salesperson, finally brought to an end
>The database and the .php files were read.
>helpde sandeep make database design and finally remove the tables that we dont require.
>working with new database, dropped the previous demo database, that came along with the WebErp.
>meeting with H.S. Rai, regarding the progress of the project, Sir happy with it.
>learnt new commnds and made new shell scripts.
>GD planning a trip to Rajgarh, discussions were made about the places to visit and plans were made.
>Made a script to play shuffled songs in terminal using mplayer, which further used a script that would mount the drive which contains the songs, all done with single command, and removed banshee from my system ;-)
>Made successful progress with the Weberp, new changes made, reports easily generated , only formatting needs to b done.
>Installed Ubuntu on 3 systems, :-), spreading open source.
>The customers module had some problem, the foreign key creating error.
>The problem solved after much of time investment.
>Progress shown to the GD members, positive response from them.
>The stock module was changed according to the TCC needs.
>Getting used to, on working Weberp, now feels very comfortable working on it, reading the coding done in php, and finding the Javascript used at the backend
>Many validations were read and changed according to need.
>The concept of double validation came to knowledge.
22-23-24JUNE2012- IN ROPAR
>Installed ubuntu one system there, isnpired a young budding Computer engineer to work on open source.
>Tip-Carry ubuntu installation disk everywhere, you never know where you may find a depressed WINDOWS user.:-)
>Weberp working smooth, trying to figure how to assign different rights to differrnt individuals.
>Solution found using an inbuilt feature, differnt permissions to differnet individuals.
>Did the detailed study of the different tables in the weberp.
>for the first time used ssh to send 1.4GB file accross a system on network, though slow, but a very nice alternative to PENDRIVE.
>searched new terminal commands.
>Made changes to the system, used GNOME shell, makes it differnt to use and interesting.
>Helped Komal with the problem to fix error in her internet dongle
>Downloaded and installed Wordpress, liked it
>Helping Navdeep in her IGS project.
>Trying to use Wordpress, making changes and adding widgets and plugins, fun and powerful using it.
>Got a very nice lecture from Harman on wordpress, about plugin creating.
>trying to make my own website in wordpress.
>weberp on hold for sometime.
>Successfully made changes on the localhost/wordpress.
>Learnt two very very important lessons:
>>Always take BACKUP.
>>Never copy-paste from a email, use attatchment instead.
>almost created trouble, but thanxx to Navdeep, we could solve the preblem.
>working on the wordpress project.
>made some changes, changed the CSS files.
>learnt its not simple to copy wordpress from localhost to server
>learning a new commad each day.
>finally removed banshee and rhythmbox, love playing music on terminal.
Made a script to play a playlist and play songs in shuffle.:-)
>meeting with HS Rai, and discussed the benefits of using weberp to replace current TCC Automation Software.
>The outcome of the meeting was, that a new software should be made keeping in mind the learnings from weberp, in django.
>We started a new application in Django.
>Resesearched internet for existing projects made in django
>Table structure was discussed among the team members.
>There was need to create a new relation among tables.
>Table structure was analysed and changes were discussed.
>Made some tables and their relation with others was created, discussed with Harman, soughted his help.
>I made some tables, thought of the changes.
>The whole day was consumed by the TABLES.
>Again worked on igsLudhiana.
>Worked on some previous work, left behind because of work.
>programming in the awesome first monsoon shower is unexplainable.:D
>worked some time on soughting the problems of ssh, learnt new things, like keygen feature.
>celebrated birthday in TCC, was fun.
>The tables finalised for new django tcc automation project showed some loopholes, finally all loopholes removed.
>Started with making tables, some further changes to be applied soon.
>Got to know about MySQL Work Bench from Sandeep, a great way to present tables in a database and to show the relation among them.
>Finally had discussion with HS Rai, about the tables made so far, had discussion about the permissions to different users, staff and admin.
>So finally, the idea of using different view for all was thought upon, everybody to get a differnt view and permissions.
>Feeling a little out of touch to django, needing help at every point.:(
>so started with the django application that took me 4-5 days during the first few days of my training here.
>To my surprise it took me half a day :D happy.
>Saw Sandeep work on php, worked on php learnt new things.
>A day of great learnings.
>Worked in the Admission cell, under Harbhag sir and Jagdeep sir.
>Worked on the admission form made by sirs, learnt the differnt validations and checks applied on the admission form.
>found some errors about data entry and the validations on it.
>Working on django, got back all lost experience.
>installed registration module, made changes and got it running.
>working on the differnt view for the users, in order to give them permissions.
>Met IT HOD-Akshay sir, he asked me to make a admissions form in html, which was to be used in direct admissions, in few days.
>Got data from Harbhag sir, started making the form in HTML, from begining.
>Had a little confusion regarding the use of the form without input fields.
>Contacted Harbhag sir, for the same, he needed the form for printing purposes.
>Stopped making the html form from scratch, just converted the recieved .odt file into .html from save as option
>Got the form in html format, but the data was improperly aligned, needed lot many changes.
>worked for about an hour and made the form acceptable
>the link for the form is
>Had a lot of work to do, spend most of the time, there.
>The views were discussed and every permission to the different user was taken care of
>Got errors and errors on the way, but we managed to learn something from them.
>Errors increased, problem in registration module, sending mail problem.
>Working to put it working.
>Trying to get as many help from other team members.
>database fetching data, but loses connection.
>Still seraching for the solution.
>Told my friend about working on Django, he didnt like working on a framework, spent time making him understand the power of Django
>He asked me to make an application on django faster than he could in php.
>I managed to make a simple blog application, with admin interface, a user interface-showing last 2 posts and date of creation, much faster than he could and store everything in database.
>It was a pure victory, he was impressed by django. :-)
>Back on working on Automation software, sending mail still a problem.
>problem of differnt view was reduced, but still working.
>Finally by night Sandeep managed to get different views for different users.:)
>working with the users module, all working well.
>made some changes in the modules, every different user gets differnt view now.
>there are three users 1 the admin 2 the staff and last but not the least 3 the user.
>the work is getting its grip.:-)
>changes in the different modules, the users defined different permissions.
>the html pages(views) were made of the different users.
>added the values to the database, to check the working.
>the values were not fetched from the database, serious problem worked on it
>discussed the problem of values not being fetched with the rest of the present GD members.
>took some time but the problem was sought out, finally.
>took off home early.
>the day started with my localhost not working.
>spent 2 hours to get to know what the problem was, and all I had to do was to restart the apache with a simple command.
>Now what I am going to do is restart apache everyday or make some script out of it to restart apache everytime I log into my account.
>worked under sandeep, learnt few things I found difficult to understand.
>started with some jobs to be taken care off in Training and Placement Cell, had some meeting with the rest of members and juniors
>The different views were created and tested ok.
>place table,and few of the items were added to the database to check the working, works well.
>listened to some of the presentations being delivered
>Had learnt, my desire to make scripts and run them, and make computer work usiang just two statements was fun.
>started making a script to run music player on the terminal, actually been working on the script for a while now, think its been 1 full month now.
>looking for changes that can be made to make it better
>script plays well when the drive containing the music directory(12GB) was not manually mounted, if the drive wasnt mounted mannually, the script would mount it then fetch a playlist in the director and play songs in shuffle mode. :-)
>50% success was achieved, happy
> dedicated the full day to scripts, read articles and books to learn more.
>Continued with the shell scripting, started with new ideas(hope to do in future)
>the music script running well in shuffle, but had limitiation and that was pinching me every moment.
>studied and researched and finally found something of my interest.
>learnt how to know whether the drive is mounted or not.
>this came as a present from heaven, I fixed my script, it works well. happy:-)
>worked on the django project again,helped satinder learn some basics, he had problem with.
>helped jasleen with her sine wave, seems near completion
>the idea is still unclear how the user is going to search for the desired test for the material, he may get the same material tested for different tests and even get multiple test subjects.
>had discussion with HSRai, got many options to look for
>mailed my terminal player script on GD, happy to see the response.:-)
>A very fine weather, a fine start.
>gave presentation on my Mplayer script, hoped everyone present liked.
>got new points from Rai Sir, how to improve the script.
>Showed the difference in photoshop and gimp, I think gimp needs improvement, would love to make scripts for gimp.
>party by satinder and jaspreet, at basant,dugri.
>got stuck in unavoidable work, had to take a day off
>Had a meeting with Rai Sir about the were abouts of the project.
>learnt what was done the previous day.
>started working on the tags, installed taggit(django module for tagging)
>faced much problem while installing taggit and adjusting it to our needs
>tested tagging(another tagging module)
>Tagging feature had some problems in the tagging feature, understood how to use tags in a appropriate way, which is understood to the normal user while filling the tests for particular material
>tagging seems to be solved, just a new view is to be created.
>created a new view for tag.
>completed with the tagging module, added elements in the admin interface.
>started working on catalog application in the automation application.
>helped jasleen again in her sine wave project.
>learnt about the catalog, its use and features.
>worked on the catalog application, installed the django-catalog module.
>made changes in the rest of the files.
>one part of catalog module working fine, facing problem in the urls.
>got the only documentation of django-catalog available on the internet(and that too in russian).
>translated the documentation in english and posted on my blog check for reference
>the catalog application works fine.
>still a lot changes to make, to make it suitable for our need.
>added the changes to experimental.
>helped jasleen in her work
>there is confusion between catalog working.
>again trying to implement dynamic dropdown list.
>helping sandeep, using javascript and ajax to filter the first dropdown.
>took help from vigas.
>Instead of using the django-catalog, a catalog module was created in django and put to use.
>tagging module is working fine now, changes were made.
>CSS file under work by sukhdeep, helped her find templates to work and refer to.
>meeting was held among the team members, to discuss the plans for the software
>tags working well,
>still working on the catalog module, problems arising.
>took help from sandeep, catalog module needs to be replaced.
>django cart module is thought of as a new module to be added
>cart , helps the customer decide whether to add more or to done adding the product, and adds them under one customer, this module is very muchh required in this project.
>started working on GIMP scripting using scriptfu, downloaded many videos showing gimp scripting. Loved it:D
>listened to Jaspreet's presentation on Latex, on diary.
>It was a nice motivational lecture by Davinder Kumar, an Ex GD member.
>he told us about the company he's working in, the programmer enviornment they have is just like GD
>A company is founded by Vigas, very happy.
>Learnt the problem of multiple selection of dropdown , faced by sandeep
>searched for the solution throughout the internet.
>added few data to the database
>helped komal in her css work
>started working on a small php project, my friend wanted a software to use for his personal works.
>I made it, and installed it in his computer's localhost/
>the problem of the dropdown list still is pending
The Independence Day.!!!
>the hardest day of my training to convince my mother that it wasn't a holiday, and I had to go to training today.
>finally she agreed with some doubt. LOL
>reached late for the training
>started working on the css again.
>finally css is comnplete with changes done to it.
>css approved by all the members of the team.:-D
>had to show the current project to jagdeep sir.
>Sir pointed out many faults and gave tips to improve it.
>css file started giving some issues.:O
>held a group meeting, discussed what is to be done, what has been done and discussed about the tips and errors said the last day.
>the dynamic dropdown was the main issue .
>the Css file is ready and attatched to automation projects on everybody's systems and on the experimental
>had to make changes to fit it to experimental. working well with only minor issues.
>this is the day i did very less work on TCC, stuck in other important tasks.
>I read old emails on GD, talked to other GD members if they had any problem that I may solve.
>I took a day off, had some important task to do.
>going through the busiest week of the year, lot of work to do but hardly any time to perfrom
>listened to navdeep's problem, proposed some options she could use, hope they work
>plans for the project were made, like what is to be done in future.
>the issue of job_id was startled.
>then changes were made not to change the job_id and use it as the billno and recipt no.
>it was a great weather outside, was raining.:-)
>sandy, continued her problem, looked frustrated.
>she posted an te email again on the django mailing list seeking the answer, hope she gets the solution
>I had problem with understanding some part of the django project sandy made, spent time understanding it.
>Inderpreet, a new member of the GD gave an awesome presentation on Witty, which everybody considered fearsome.
>loved everypart of presentation.
>Inder's presentation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl-Nk7543nU
>had an enjoyable nightout at hostel, woke up quite early, was present in TCC before 9 :) earliest in last few weeks.
>there was some problem in calculation part in the automation project we have been working on.
>spent time on the files of the current working automation project, learnt how it calculates the taxes and amounts.
>without much change the same module is to be used in our automtion project.
>It was a placement drive by the Shapoorji Pallunji, had to conduct the placement drive after a long long time.
>Couldn't invest much time in training, since the drive was in the consultancy hall.
>The total of 7 students were placed in the company, very happy, these are the first ones to get a job.:-D
>It was the day of LUG WORKSHOP by Jaspreet.
>the workshop was very much interesting for us as well as for the new students, they asked questions and their doubts.
>healthy discussions were made, on various topics ranging from the difference in the security of Linux, Mac and Windows., and many other topics.
>The event was a huge success.
>It was sandeep's bday, wished her and asked for the treat. It was the first thing I did after entering TCC.
>She had completed making reports and bill, and were easily generated
>Had to show it to Rai sir, the current progress of the automation group.
>to our surprise the software stopped responding.
>It did not log in , once it was logged out.
>we celebrated sandeep's bday.:-)
>The current project was showed to Bagwant sir and Kiran madam, and their views were taken(not views.py :P)
>Both of them liked the progress.
>solved the networking issue, though the problem was with the switch :P now the network worked with internet off.
>Then we had a meeting with Jagdeep sir and Rai sir.
>They discussed the progress of project
>me very unhappy with my progress.:(
>Then we had a team meet of project members and distributed work amongst us.
>was assigned work to show all the previous work done by the logged in user.
>sad and feels unconfident.:-(
>Woke up early felt feverish and had severe headache.
>came to TCC the normal time, was ver much stressed of not being able to perform well in the django project.
>had very less progress.:-(
>sir asked to make a simple application, which i couldnt make.
>all day at training i was sick and sad, but was motivated and cheered by harman.
>I thanked him and slept (wasn't well) so I can wake up on time and start working again.
>kicked out of GD, along with many others.:-(
>asked to make a presentation in order to get inside GD.
>working on the module assigned to me, "previous work" module
>almost done with the module.
>One full day and no email in GD label.
>working in the module, hopefully gets completed today
>learnt latex, how to make a presentation in beamer.
>started compiling whatever I have done so far, and what else needs to be added in the presentation
>again had discussion with the team about the progress.
>Second day without any email from the GD group.
>had discussion about the next event in the LUG, some controversy in keeping the date for the event.
>made presentation in LibreImpress, need to make it in the LaTeX.
>"previous work" module complete and working well
>improved the sketch script and now working better.:D
>Presentation ready
>gave presentation in the evening, followed by sadeep and navdeep.
>Again back in GD. happy
>got so many points to improve in the automation software we have been working on, we need to beautify the code, remove flaws along side.
>had a group meeting, new jobs assigned.
>helping sukhdeep, in transpot module.
>suggested, use of a map to solve the distance and transport issue.
>listened to presentations by other NON-GD members
>discussion on how to create suspense report
>making the transport cost fixed and exact can remove the need of suspense report
>preparing presentation for MVC
>planning to go to Chitkara Fest on 7-8-9
>gave presentation on mvc, had some doubts, cleared them regarding the confusion of names with mvc naming and django naming
>took permission for the chitkara fest
>leaving for fest tomorrow.
>back from the Chitkara fest, got 1st position in sketching
>back working on the tcc automation software
>helped satinder with his generation of reports
>had a group meeting again
>suspense report and report generation are the main things left, rest are the small things
>sandeep working on applying the universal database model
>me and sandeep working on transport model.
>trying to add a google map to calculate the distance travelled
>sent an urgent meeting mail at the LUG group, to know about the active members of the group
>today Satinder gave his presentation to claim his membership in GD
>had an interactive session with Rai sir
>conducted a meeting for the LUG group, very few students turned up, assigned them duties, including preparation of charts and annoucements
>removing all the inactive members in the group.
>talked about adding map to sir.
>decided to remove inactive members of LUG
>hoping to conduct interviews on comming monday
>it is moms bday today so i bailed out early..:-) happy bday mom :-)
>attended a seminar on ipv4 and ipv6 by tnp cell
>held a meeting for the LUG, conducted it and assigned duties
>working on the google map, having some problems
>took interview for the LUG
>attended seminar about hacking by the tnp cell
>atteneded the seminar cont on hacking, some cool things learnt today..learnt ways to get into win7 without passwords
for some changing permissions was a cool thing, we change permissions all day in ubuntu,...;)
>again continued my work with the maps.
>issue with internet, going to take one more day in maintainence
>had a meeting with rai sir, sir not happy about progress(me not able to devote much time)
>tired of working on maps(number of methods, but mostle unclear)
>started working on google maps agian, but with Satinder this time, finally had some progress, map gets displayed on localhost, but large changes are required.
>forgot my charger in TCC, my internet was working but couldnt use my laptop...bad ending of day:-/
>It's BHARAT BAND today, trucks and buses are not working, but the training continues, and got my charger..:-)
>this google map application I am working on seems to be the solution to my problem. happy.:-)
>worked whole day, the map works well but isn't working the way I want.
>had help from Inder (ISHWAR), and the new application is very close to what I need.
>It's maps and maps everywhere, been working on maps for so long.
>the new Google API application seems to be the solution, it displays the start and end point and calculates the distance and shows the driveway to be followed. :D, just need to send that value to the database and 80% problem solved
>made certain changes, but tough time knowing whether value is sent ot database or not, showed the data in alert box, very slow refreshing rate of django.
>finally problem brought to an end.:-)
>Woke up very early, reached TCC at 8 in the morning.
>had a seminar to conduct, reached first, nobdy present , even the ones to open the date came 45 min late, I listened to songs in my phone, enjoyed the college's beauty. The guy to open Consultancy gates came and opened the gates, I went in waited and then started setting the projector and mic, then came Inder.
>It was a splendid seminar with the juniors, telling them about LINUX and Open Source, and they asking questions and clearing their doubts.
>so everyone in the audience got selected in LUG, but with the provisional enterence.
>the map is working good.
>needed refeshment in GD, and really got it that day.
>It's sunday, woke up late.
>was watching my system files, going through drives randomly.
>just checked my download folder, found so mess of different files, so made a script to clean up the mess , script at
>fond some erors, trying to remove them
>got good reviews from the GD members
>We had the map comleted.
>now I started working on report generation with Satinder.
>went through the whole process of report generation.
> it was karamvir's presentation on her C program followed by navdeep's presentation.
>had to leave early, so left at 5pm
>it was my presentation today, I wanted to give presentation on SHELL SCRIPTING, to prepared a presentation in LaTeX
>learnt about some of the uncommon but important commands like sed, tr and awk
>there was a big discussion on the difference of scripting language vs programming language.
Even replied on GD.
>there were so many flaws and errors in my script, that sir pointed out.
>didnt work much on Automation project
>back on working with reports.
>worked with jasleen and solved the printer problem on the network, and now it works
>it was jasleen's presentation today on QT, she told few things i never knew about QT and C++, I even liked the two programs she made, same concept as in an old subject I read-Windows Programming
>finally had a conversation with rest of the GD members regarding the concept of UDM(universal data models), but some doubts still in mind
>read about UDM today, even sandeep's presentation was on UDM(co-incidence)
>Sir wants the TCC automation project to have a UDM based database, so working on it
>It's Bhagat Singh's birthday today.
>very less attendence by other fellow GD members, so back on reading UDM concepts, learnt interesting things
>Got a very happy news today, finally the Seniors got their call letter from TCS, happy happy, couldnt concentrate because of it, left early to enjoy the good news with the other passouts.
>Its saturday, very less students on training
>couldnt attend sukhdeep and satinder's presentation so asked other GD member's reviews
>talked to Rai sir about UDM, had some doubts, cleared them and back on track
>so giving UDM a rest for a while and working on script to install TCC automation in a system
>had a aptitude test organised by TnP, It was a 4 hour test covering every possible aspect of the aptitude.
>I chose for the UNIX part unlike many who chose for c++, sql, java, etc
>hopefully the results are good.
>I started working on scripting, divided the main problem into smaller problems
>searched for the major problem in those small problems.
>I learnt how to create a database through shell script
>I even learnt how to import a .sql file to a database using shell
>learnt how to replace a string by a string in shell, using sed command, did research on sed.
>Gandhi jayanti, took a day off to complete some pending jobs and to attend a family function
>back from family function
>back on the scripting work, completed the small script to change text in a file, used sed command
>spent the rest day, working on how to improve the code and finally made some progress
>still looking for loopholes, but no reply from GD yet.
>finally got a reply on the mail by Rai sir, sir wants me to make the code less complex and simple looking for solution on the internet.
>I have finally started to love "sed" command, it is one awesome command to know
>started working on rest of the script, what to keep and what not to, is a very difficult thing to know, and now i am done with it
>It was mandy's bday, we cut her bday cake.
>we had a teacher to check our training, I think attendance was what he wanted to check, I am sure he'll be surprised to see attendance here.:-D
>Was to go to Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnical college today to introduce the freshers to Lunix and open source and the users to work and contribute to Open Source world, but had to leave for some work.
>I left training at around 3:30 today some 2 hours early. :-/ , and for what I left it didnt go as planned, instead went opposite.
>It is my sister's bday today.:-)
>learnt more about commands used in shell scripting.
>I divided all the problems in script in smaller parts( divide and rule policy)
>facing problem to download the directory from where, I have the Automation in github, but about other modules that come handy, need to be downloaded as well, so searching for the solution, meanwhile
>completed making changes to the various files in The Automation folder that is to be downloaded by the script.
>now have to run the script with the sudo power as the script has to make changes in a system file.
off to Darbar sahib, Amritsar.
>had a funny yet interesting experience there, JAB WE MET yaad aa gayi :P
>Now I am able to make changes in the three main files, i.e. the settings.py file, django_wgsi file and the system file httpd.conf file.
>needed to make a database and add changes to it.
>faced a problem, couldnt create a database of a name input by the user.
>searched and searched and searched, and found a single script by the USA LUG group.
>created different scripts for different works.
>each part working well.
>combined the different scripts as one. :-) , though the code doesnt look very nice but it is working.
>Not well, busy in different different jobs.
>I presented my script to the GD members, everybody liked the script, though flaws were also mentioned.
>I showed them different small scripts and gave them idea how it worked.
>the script to make changes in database was the one I explained more.
>wasn't well, left early at around 4:30-5
>got the result of my AMCAT test, the scores were good, but required improvement.
>I worked on the problems told by the GD members.
>I looked around everybody if anyone needed any help
>I beautified the script a little bit.
>the script worked amazingly well on sukhdeep's fresh new laptop., yay happy
>some changes were required though.
>I undid all the changes that were made to sukhdeeps laptop because of running the script
>I ran the script again.
>> now it checked whether django is installed or not --if installed it continued--else--exit
>>it installed the few things user forget to install after installing django(connecting mysql to python)
>>it downloaded the folder(havent put the folder on github, so copyed) and made changes
>>created the database and added demo/new database to it(all according to user requirement)
works well, but needs changes
>working on the enviornment variables to allow the user to have more freedom of keeping where ever he wants to keep
>studying and practising the environment variables
>main problem is using $PWD in sed command, facing problem in this part.
>searched and searched for the solution but all in vain
>It's PWD and PWD all the way, again wroking on it:
>>what I want is that the script runs this command $PWD and then a sed command replaces a variable to be replaced by the $PWD, but this is not happening. arrrgg
>very tired, found no solution.
>very confused and scared of TCS comming for college placement, and the aptitude test going to be a lot tougher than the previous years. Unable to concentrate
>the aptitude score of AMCAT cleared my doubt, need time to prepare for the TCS written test
>asked for a week leave from HS Rai sir and his blessing for the placement
>prepared for TCS, TnP duties.
>Placed in TCS...yaaaaaay..:D, dream come true...:)
>woke up late, severe headache and fever, doctor says 2-3 day bedrest.:O
>unable to work.
>woke up late again, small headache
>went to TCC, after 2-3 hours, fever strikes again
>doctor strictly says complete bed rest.
>working on my script few touches left to give to the script, finally getting ready to upload the script on the github.
>using github for the first time
>had problem uploading the files on the github, couldnt push anything, it gave warning of failing.
>help from harman finally helped me to learn to use github
>finally uploaded the version 1 on the github, along with the test automation software
>made some changes to the scrpt and then uploaded as the version 2 to the github
>downloaded the script and ran on harman's laptop and it with minor changes worked....it worked...:D:D
>only few changes were made by me manually to run the automation software rest everything was working...eureka...:D
>happy happy...
>just one issue...dont know how to fix the version in a users system,...how to manage if the user is using a different version of python....just this problem irritating me
>had a event to attend by the LUG--armchair mpping
>the workshop began with mandeep teaching the basics of CGI, was new for me
then we began with the arm chair mapping, everybody got excited, considering me..:)
>i marked Westend Mall, MBD neopolis and my school on the OSM, wonder why nobody marked westend mall and the newly opened MBD.
no internet..:(
>solved the internet problem at home, got the modem fixed. Friends in ECE do come in handy..;)
>started helping Stainder with his problem of creating reports, one of the main tasks of the TCC automation problem.
>Satinder has worked most of the need, but was stuck in some part of the problem, worked with him, sorted out the problem for him. The main problem was whether he should use form or formset, to meet our needs. So we decided to go with the classic forms to get the solution of the problem, this solved the problem to some extent.
>finding a proper javascript that sandeep requires, searched and searched but dont know how to search for it, actually dont know what to type to get it.
>again back to reports.
>Very awkward day for me:(
>H.S. Rai sir asked me to do a job for him, but I had to pass the job to Sandeep and Harman, as I was the only senior member available that day to coordinate the placement drive by a company, since I had promised before to coordinate drive a day before.
>the task was to get information and search the best money transaction service for the UKERI website, and paypal was selected to be the solution for it.
>very bad placement drive, wasted my day.
>Came to know that PTU refered to the very big brand name CII(has industrial tie ups in india and abroad with over 10,000 big and small companies), that they take the help of GNDEC-TnP team to coordinate their Expo to be held for four days-1,2,3 and 4 NOV. I was personally asked by Mann Sir to take over this task.
>Back to my TCC script, it is working well with almost every laptop I know. Just giving one problem. The part of the script installs some softwares but on some systems the script stops or skips the part while waiting for "0% waiting for headers". Looking for the problem, searched the internet but didn't get much satisfactory answer.
>finally on some laptops the script starts the automation without any error, very close to achive a perfect working script( in terms of functionality)
>had to leave at 4 to meet the CII- Ludhiana Fair , main coordinator and manager.
>Finally talked to sir about the CII exhibition, but me myself was feeling very shy asking for halfday from sir, as its been a week since I worked seriously.
>The "0% waiting for header" problem now getting serious, script didnt work on another system just because of it.
>Inder did help me from this problem but I dont kknow how to implement this on the script user's system from outside or from the script.
>he stated that It was due to unablility to update packages, which was lead by partial packages installed to the system.
>the problem was solved by removing the partial packages.
>whew....!! it worked.
>left sharp at 2pm for my duty shift(2-9pm)
>Sandeep planned, that we all give the full presentation of what ever we have done till now, of after the last presentation by the TCC team.
>updated the script to github.
>Satinder had some problem with the report saving, worked with him. It was as if he was helping me learn than I helping him out of the problem.
>still unable to help sandeep with her javascript, dont know what to type in to get the solution related to the need.
>very much tired of the work I've been doing in the past days, but still trying to make both ends meet here in training.
>left at around 1:30 for my turn to take over and coordinate the Fair.(tiresome job)
very bad health, woke up at 12 in the noon, very sleepy at that moment. Managed to get to college at around 2pm, It was convocation day, had to come to college to wish my seniors.
Took a day off to rest from the busy schedule(just wanted to stay away for a day)
duty at CII-ludhiana fair from 12 to 7 in the evening, legs feeling numb, but I wont take a day off again, training time in its last days.
Wish to complete the project on time.
Finally got time to update DD( sorry for the late updation)
worked with satinder on reports, having a little hard time working with the reports
unable to save the values of newly added row, worked the whole day on it, trying new and new approaches
finally got a somewhat answer to our problems, we could generate the input on a new page, so we can input the result in the database as well
leaving TCC with a happy note
came a little early than usual
started working on the shell programming, that's what i do when I get time or m free
then worked with sandeep with her problem, her system did not boot in, searched for it
then worked agian on shell programming, did feel like doing it the whole day
>not happy with my performance, working hard, learning new things to implement in the script.
>not well, body weak.
>helping satinder with reports, a small problem troubling.
>the html code with javascript is working well alone, but is not when used in Django. God..!!! took so many days to get a proper code for the software and now it's not working.:/
>still trying to make it work, making changes in html file and javascript file to get the output, no gain so far.
>hopefully this time it works.
>Vigas gave a presentation on DNS, a very nice and practical presentation. Understood many new things today.
>viral on peak, body pain, fever, mom wanted me not to go and take rest, I insisted on going, had to conduct placement and had small time to complete project.
>reached college at 8, and started arrangements for the company, average response by students to the company(no record, a new company working in opensource). They gave presentation with current market statistics of the user need, very helpful and somewhat true.
>back to TCC, was trying to work, then sir came and asked all the students to leave tcc except those who replied to sir's mail 3days back on training completion.
>mixed feelings now..:/ dont know what to say.
>some improvement in health
>apologized to Rai sir about the delay in replying to the mail, so back to work.:-)
>so many flaws in my script that sir pointed out, spellings, dead ends like what if the database name created exists before hand, then what.?
>working on checking that, hopefully m done with the issue, really need it badly.
>I even need to create a uninstall script, wow just like the softwares out there in the market.:)
>Its Rai sir's bday and placement drive tomorrow that I need to attend, the big clash.:O
wished sir and many other ppl, their bday
off to IET bhaddal with Viki mann
longest Bike drive I ever had...110 km in chilling wind...just wow..:D
skyfall it is:)
>finally made a script to check whether a database name entered is created on the system or not,:-)
>will soon connect it to the main script and then start working on the counter >script(uninstall script)
>it's SUNDAY. the supposedly rest day:), but diwali approaching, so no rest:/
12-13-14 NOV-day---
Happy Diwali, Happy Vishkarma Day and Happy Children's Day.
13 Nov2012- Diwali...
It's the day when Light(truth) wins over darkness(evil), It used to remind me of the famous OATH of Green Lanterns(fiction)
"In brightest day, in blackest night.....
No evil shall escape my sight......
Let those who worship evil's might.....
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light....!!!" just love it..
14Nov2012--Vishkarma Day and Children's Days
Vishwakarma, the divine engineer / architect, constructed Svarga (Heaven), Lanka, holy city of Dwarka, the Maya Sabha of the Pandavas; created many fabulous weapons for the gods. (via - H.S. Rai)
>Working with the script again.
>Added new and improved automation folder to the TCC-script(sandeep's repository)
>made changes corresponding to the new folder, alot to change now.
>Finally software functioning properly with less error(almost 0 error).
>making changes constantly with the script.
>added a database checking module to check whether the database exist before, if it exists then the script asks for a new name as the last enterd database exists and cannot be overwritten for now
>getting the script run on different systems and checking the problems different systems are facing.
>getting new problems, solving them is kind of fun.:)
>Script Script all the way.
>Took help from Harman, tested the script, checked logs for errors(so far none error) happy:)
>Sir emailed on GD about the script, errors that he came accorss.(many errors)
>I tried to reply each one, with best of my knowledge.
>got appreciation on some parts but found flaws in some parts of the script.
>going to improvise the script.
>Microsoft test tomorrow, big day for me.:)
>Just reached home from a 3 hour bus ride after giving the First round
of Microsoft placement test. Sadly couldn't clear the round. :(
>About the test, there were 15 questions out of these 15, 4 were
difficult maths questions(miscellaneous) which I was able to solve and
rest were pure C programs with multiple answers, which I felt
difficult and I think I answered most of them wrong.
>There was no negative marking, so we were free to answer all.
>I think this is the 3-4 big MNC which I have encountered so far, that
demands C. So in our curriculum shouldn't C be added just as we have
C++, java, .Net ?
>Working on automatic generation of login name, did a lot of seach, ended up finding couple of solutions, none suited for my requirements.
>In the end, one solution did gave me what I wanted, but there was this problem that I run the script with sudo power and with sudo the user becomes ROOT not the login user, so there was a big issue to it.
>searching again for the solution.
Its Deepinder Singh Kular's B'day(one of my best friends)
Had a long enjoyable day with everybody, though I had to wake up at 5 to reach his place to wish him(our 3 yr old traditions, to wish a friend on his bday, same thing will happen to me on my bday:))
>The script was last stuck on the point where the sudo converts the login user to ROOT, when I reached home and checked GD, sir had posted a solution for my problem.
>I cheecked for the sulution, ran it, it worked but I wouldnt work for me as I needed not only to print the Loginuser, but to input it into a variable and then use it for what I needed.
>I looked on the internet before replying, and hence got something that worked for me.
>The script checks the loginuser automatically and then displays it to the user.:)
>added the concept that If Automation folder exists before in the Home directory, then the script renames the previous folder with the name "Automation_old" and then clones the new folder "Automation".
>So far working well, got different people to test it and look for loopholes.
>very tired going to sleep.
>Script working fine.
>Learnt many new things about scripting, feeling contented and satisfied.
>I had to add some new part to the script, I learnt the logic and moulded into script without any problem and in just one attempt. :D
>Worked the full day on removing the problem of superuser.
>now when a demo.sql is imported, a new superuser is created, when a new database is created, no matte what the user wants ha has to create a super user, thus the problem of creating super user, removed completely.
>Added the concept to check whether the table is empty or not, if empty perform a particular operation.
>Many problems sorted, with small changes just need to follow the coding standards.
>sir asked to work on creating our software a ppa, thus downloading and installing with just "sudo apt-get install Autotamtion". Wow.:)
>teaching mathematics1. :)
>script started giving some problems, got feedback from Harman.
>made a list of to do things in the script:
>> adding mysql connection check.
>> the existing Automation folder name gets renamed to Automation(date)(time)
>> the script begins with checking whether django is installed or not similarly with mysql, if not installed, it installs
>> running browser in sudo mode(works for me and harman but not for some systems)
>made a small script that checks whether mysql and django are installed or not, it. If not installed, it installs it to the system and if installed then it continues its work, havent added to the main automation script, but will add soon.
>had a nice conversation with Rai sir, about django and the script, he suggested me some improvements.
>again taught M1(exam tomorrow)
>M1 exam today, wished my friend, very best of luck.
>back on scripting, started searching for way to rename the folder with the date name, so as to remove trouble.
>earlier a check was put(single time check). If there was another folder with the name Automation present in the home directory while the script was running, the script would rename the folder Automation_old, this was a one time check, If the script was run again, it would give an error that Automation_old is already present in the Home directory.
>solving this problem I created a script, that checks for any folder with the name Automation, if there exists any folder with this name then The script changed the name of the existing folder with folder name - Automation (date)(time), which would always be different.
>but when I ran the script I had a folder with name Automation and the previous folder with name Automation(date)(time). This worked well till 2 tries, but with the third attempt the folder names got changed to Automation(date)(time) and Automation(date)(time)(date)(time).
>spent some time with the script, added my own logics to the existing script and now script works well, no repitition/redundancy in date and time.:)
>Script checking the Previously existing folder, working just fine.
>Sandeep just presented the new look for the Automation software, one word for it -Classy
>helpling sandeep fix problems with the new css, making changes to different files and adding changes to it.
>back to script, started working on the next thing to be added to the script-mysql check, searched and worked on scripts. But most of them failed to give what I wanted.
>Majority scripts were for sqlite and postgresql, I changed scripts, modifed them to work for mysql as well, but failed.
>No gain from the searched made last day, thinking of creating my own logic for it.
>finally putting the Automation software in testing phase, installing it on the TCC server, using python 2.6 instead of python 2.7. had to make small changes to make it work there.
>there was some problem with the script, because of the latest updation in the script, so manually changes were made.
>Software now running good on the server, giving just one little trouble, it's not showing the background image on the systems connected to the server.
>left for some personal work at 3.
>back from an enjoyable weekend.
>started the left over job, checking the mysql connection in shell script, not much help from the internet.
>so I decided to create my own logic, it took quite a lot of time but in the end, I created my own logic, I myself made a script that would ask for an username and password input, it would check it, if the input is correct, it proceeds with successful as the output and if failes , it gave "connection failed" as the output.
>Finally Satinder was able to complete his first properly working report, he's now working on creating a function to make multiple reports.
>still some problem with the background image, not showing up on the connected systems.
>back on working with the TCC server, trying to fix some issues with it. After some long hardwork finally able to add image to the backgrounds. Working on all systems.:-)
>updated the script, working on fixing the errors.
>working with sandeep fix some problems of the tcc software
>off to Gurudwara, it's gurupurab tomorrow.:)
>took a day off, went to gurudwara, Happy Gurupurab to all.:-)
>started working on scripting, trying to learn new things.
>started with creating a webpage(html) using a shell script, so actually created a html page entirely from the shell script.(loved doing that)
>Added text boxes, radio buttons, submit buttons, leraning how to connect two html pages using shell scripting.
>trying to input html input into shell script and then run the shell script.
>searching for the solution, but fail. Looking for rishabh's work on slang translator.
>today I presented my script to the presented GD members, showed them, explained them the working of each and every command, showed them the errors I made and future scope of the script
>everybody liked the script, got good reviews and new ideas to improve it and make it foolproof
>removed a very big but silly mistake that I pushed to my repository, I was testing a part of script with constant values than the variables and it worked for me, without thinking much I pushed it to my account, while I was showing my script to everybody I saw it and edited it immediately.:p
>making further changes.:-)
>Feeling like an expert script writer, helped a few newbies(love calling them newbies) on a facebook scripting group.
>Learning and improving concepts, learning never ends, just keeps on going on.
>Discussed few points with Harman, about the Client or the user, how dumb should he be considered, the discussion went on and on. So in the end it was thought to ask Rai sir about it.
>Removed useless parts from the script and added few new things and better comments for the better understanding.
>working on the last improvision(running script anywhere not only Home), installing in any directory.
>Reached at 10 am, in the chilling morning, loved it.:D
>Very less attendence, only 5 of us present today and had a wonderful time today interacting with sir, talking and discussing.
>We discussed Harman's new task at GCI about creating an L at an elevation and an angle with some transparency, all of us actively participated in it, loved it
>Had a discussion on the teachings and how we analyse them, I read some things back in time and never thought of analysing them,:O
>script has along way to go, mad improvements, and hoping to add more by this week.
>Got new idea to solve the problem of installing/running the script anywhere in the system instead of Home folder only.
>I was able to save the value of enviornment variable in a variable(did it long back) but was trying to use that variable in sed command, failed failed and failed, but I think I did it, I used $PWD in sed command, sounds like it is possible.
>Installed the Automation software in Documents with manual changes, I hope with some changes I can do it.
>I installed Automation software in Music directory :-) and it is running, and the problem of sudo is soon to be removed, just one step behind, once this destination problem is solved next problem is running it as a normal user and not as a sudo user, working on it
>Works on my system, eagerly waiting to upload the changes to sandeep's account in github. :D
>made changes to the automation software on sandeep's github account
> made a flow chart of the script
>thought of new improvisions to it, added some changes to it and uploaded on the github
>hopefully going to complete the installation script soon
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